
Mostrando las entradas de julio, 2018

Comrade Joaquinov Lavinovsky, Supreme Commander of the Soviet of Lascondesgrado

If I would have to meet someone it would certainly be our beloved Comrade Joaquinov Lavinovsky leader of the Soviet Republic of Lavingrad (Ex Las Condes). The popular mass of the people of Lascondesgrad achieved in heroic struggle, under the guidance of our beloved leader and the Party, the conquest of state housing in the heart of the filthy bourgeoisie. This political leader is someone that I admire so much. His first heroic achievement was the founding of the left wing of the sUDI (Soviet Union of Democratic Independents) crushing its conservative wing into pieces. From that moment, Comrade Lavinovsky sky rocketed into the popularity of the sUDI party. Then he started the cultural struggle against the filthy bourgeoisies with the first visit to the soviet from the internationally acclaimed “Alexandrov Ensemble”, more commonly known as the Red Army Chorus. The Chorus will sing from the 28 of august of the year 1 after the revolution until the 2 of September of the same ye...

I don't know what to do or i don't know how to do it?

When I think about my future there's a fog that comes down to my thoughts L . Once I start to think about that I don't really know what to do. Well, if I had the right to choose what i want to do with my life (something that I clearly don't have) I would rather do a master or a doctorate degree than began to work immediately once I graduate from the university. Here comes the great BUT: neither I nor my family got the necessary money to fund postgraduate studies. In the hypothetical case that I could start a postgraduate degree I would choose in the first place a master degree in Social Work inside the University of Chile rather than trying to go outside the country because it exceeds my economic capacity. Then I would like to work some time and try to do a doctorate outside the country, maybe in Spain or Brazil, I really like the Brazilian schools of social work. If I have to choose a university it would be either the University of São Paulo or the Complutense Univers...

Childhood and Family as a Social Worker.

If I have to pick a major of my interest in my discipline it would be the Childhood and Family specialization. I would really like to work in this because I think it could be a pretty big improvement in the  children’s overall welfare and, generally speaking, of all the family. In general, I believe that many of the big oppressions and troubles that a person could have starts in the heart of a family. I strongly believe that the childhood could be so much better if we, as social workers, knock over the adultcentrism regime that endures inside the adults. I would like to work inside the Sename or a Family Tribunal inside the judicial brand of the State. Even though this is a very rough work environment I think that I could make something to improve bonds inside families that have troubles. Violations of rights of the children are one of the major concerns that I visualize as a social worker and this, specifically, awakes a professional interest inside me. As a child and a teen...

Alexander and Jeremi

I got two best friends; their names are Alexander and Jeremi. We have a close relationship, we meet up every time we can and we know all about each other. With Jeremi we have been related to each other since we met in the first year of basic scholar instruction. We have been meeting since then like normal friends you meet in the school, but in the 2011 national student strike we began meeting outside the school as real friends. Alexander gets into this story in the 2011 student mobilization when we met outside the school with Jeremi. Alexander and I have met before, but we never considered each other as friends until the end of 2011 when we gathered together with Jeremi and started talking to each other frequently. Since 2011 we have been united and we have been through a lot of things together that makes me appreciate them a lot more. We have been reuniting to talk about whatever, party together or just take a walk and smoke a cigarette. My best memories with them are the “Ohi...

Game of Thrones or how to kill every character that you love.

  There are a lot of series and TV shows that I love, but no one specifically caught my attention during such a long time like Game of Thrones. Game of Thrones is a heroic fantasy based on the George R. R. Martin book series about disputes inside the nobility of 2 fictional continents named Westeros and Essos. The complexity of the books can't be described in a single blog but its adaptation for the TV made by HBO is a peculiarity inside the genre.  The TV show has achieved a level of quality unique in the genre, despite the loss of quality of the last season; it has been constant amongst the years since the show has been televised. The dispute for the power inside the nobility of the fictional universe is a common plot, but it has been approached in a way that interweaves the history of the universe in a manner that gives so much sense inside the universe. Making an apparently regular plot a richer story.  I enjoy the show every time I watch it and I wait fo...