Game of Thrones or how to kill every character that you love.

 There are a lot of series and TV shows that I love, but no one specifically caught my attention during such a long time like Game of Thrones. Game of Thrones is a heroic fantasy based on the George R. R. Martin book series about disputes inside the nobility of 2 fictional continents named Westeros and Essos. The complexity of the books can't be described in a single blog but its adaptation for the TV made by HBO is a peculiarity inside the genre. 
The TV show has achieved a level of quality unique in the genre, despite the loss of quality of the last season; it has been constant amongst the years since the show has been televised.
The dispute for the power inside the nobility of the fictional universe is a common plot, but it has been approached in a way that interweaves the history of the universe in a manner that gives so much sense inside the universe. Making an apparently regular plot a richer story. 
I enjoy the show every time I watch it and I wait for it every day to release a new season of the show.


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Comrade Joaquinov Lavinovsky, Supreme Commander of the Soviet of Lascondesgrado


I don't know what to do or i don't know how to do it?