Is social work a perfect career in the University of Chile?

Howdy readersJ. When I think about this question as a second year student I don’t think that I can answer with property, because of my limitations on the experience department inside the career and my discipline. Even though, I see things that can be improved in the basic stage.
The primordial thing that I hate inside this career is the damn sociological theory teacher Ivan Pincheira that doesn’t know anything about historiography and throws shit to historians every time he can. Damn you Ivan Pincheira. He doesn’t even know that historiography has huge variants inside it. He even thinks that every actual historian thinks like Leopold Von Ranke and is trying to justify the ideological necessity of a State and a nation. He roughly mentions that sociology, like every science, has caused suffering in the past too.
The other thing that I don’t like and I would like to change is the lack of subjects that explains what makes us particular inside the social sciences. Why? Because I’m tired of people asking me what we do only to say: “wow, that’s such a cute career”. Idk, maybe I wanna tell them with property that my job is to take their children and throw them away into prisons like the Sename.
The other thing that I do not like is the academicism that imperates inside the department. I don’t think that it benefits us in any sense, but I kind of understand that it’s a general disease inside every department of this university.
That’s all.
-Ivanes Pincheiras + Lelyas Troncosos


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Comrade Joaquinov Lavinovsky, Supreme Commander of the Soviet of Lascondesgrado


I don't know what to do or i don't know how to do it?