Claudio Troncoso, a Social Worker who likes history.

Claudio Troncoso is an undergraduate student of the University of Chile who lives in the city of Puente Alto in the metropolitan region of Chile. Claudio is currently studying Social Work; He is cursing his fourth semester in the Faculty of Social Sciences in Juan Gomez Millas Campus of the University of Chile.
His professional interests are very varied; they go from Social Work with children in context of rights vulneration to Poor’s History as a disciplinary interest of the Social Work. Actually, he is studying right now to start working in areas related to family and history of the vulneration and violence to children.
Claudio is in his fourth semester and he is taking 8 subjects this semester, maybe he hates himself and wants to harm his psychological health, but all he wants is to be a really good social worker. Besides, he is aiming to be a teaching assistant in the Social History class of his career; he believes that he can make an improvement in this with his knowledge of history obtained in his previous career and his experience as a historian.
Claudio has some academic accomplishments that make him think that he can start an academic career in the university. Claudio has been published in the “Territorio Histórico” magazine of the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities of the University of Chile. His paper is about eugenics, madhouses and proletarization of the poor of the northern riverside of Mapocho River in the XIX century of Santiago de Chile.


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I don't know what to do or i don't know how to do it?